We, as Infinity Translation and Consulting, would like to be your solution partner for translation services you may need in areas that require special expertise such as technical, legal, commercial, academic, medical, marketing, sports and IT.
We are operating in the sector since 2014 with our team of translators and editors, who are specialized in their own fields, to meet the translation needs of your company.
Below you can find the most frequently asked questions by our clients in translation process and the answers:
When we receive a translation request from our client into English or any other language, we first examine the subject of the source text. As a second step, we analyze the text to find out the word count and any repetitions, fuzzies or 100% matches.
Then we choose the most suitable translator and editor team taking into consideration the subject and length of the document to be translated. It is our first preference that the translator, who will translate the file into the target language, is a native speaker.
We are making the calculation over the number of the words contained in the source text, which is the most accepted method of fee calculation all over the world. Thanks to the software we use, the sentences in the source text are analyzed and the number of fuzzies, no matches, perfect matches and repetitions are determined automatically.
You can get an offer by sending an e-mail or by uploading the file to be translated into English or another language on our site. Certified, notarized, apostilled or consulate approved translation fees are charged separately per page in addition to the translation fee.
Delivery times are determined according to the file format, subject of the text, length of the document and difficulty level of the text to be translated. A Word file with a length of approximately 2,000 words and with a low difficulty level, is delivered to our client in one business day as translated, proofread and edited.
The daily translation capacity of a translator in English-Turkish is approximately 3,500-4,000 words. In Turkish-English direction, it is around 2,500-3,000 words. The capacity of each translator varies depending on the experience in the field and duration of work as a translator. For this reason, it is always our first priority to work with a team of translators and editors, who have experience in the subject of the text to be translated.
Certified translation refers to translations signed and stamped by a certified translator. Some institutions, such as government agencies, universities, banks, consulates and marriage offices, may require translations to be made by a certified translator and properly signed and stamped. The responsibility of the document translated by a certified translator belongs to him or her once it is signed and stamped. Documents without signature and stamp are not acknowledged as certified translations even if they are made by a certified translator.
The translation that is signed and stamped by a certified translator indicating that the source text has been translated faithful to the original and also certified by a public notary, is acknowledged as a notarized translation. In order for a translated document to be a notarized translation, the document must be translated by the relevant certified translator, who has been authorized by the same public notary. The certified translator signs and stamps each page of the printed translation and the source text with wet signature; then the notary certifies that the translator's signature is original.
Notarized translation is required by many institutions and organizations. Certified or notarized translations must be error-free, since they will be submitted to official agencies. If an error is encountered in the translation, the document will be null.
For the translations of documents obtained from official institutions of foreign countries to be acknowledged in Turkey, they need to be approved by Turkish consulate or any other authorized agency present in that respective country. Likewise, a document received in Turkey is only valid in a foreign country, if it is translated into the formal language of that country, notarized and then approved by the consulate of that foreign country. The Hague Convention held on October 5, 1961 is an international treaty drafted by the Hague Conference on Private International Law that allows “Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents”. It specifies the modalities through which a document issued in one of the signatory countries can be certified for legal purposes in all the other signatory states.
A certification under the terms of the convention is called an “Apostille” or Hague apostille. If the convention applies between two countries, such an apostille is sufficient to certify a document's validity, and removes the need for double-certification, by the originating country and then by the receiving country (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostille_Convention).
You can reach the list of the signatory countries and the agencies issuing apostille at the following link:
The apostille itself is a stamp or printed form consisting of ten numbered standard fields. At the top is the text Apostille, under which the text Convention de La Haye du 5 octobre 1961 (French for "Hague Convention of 5 October 1961") is placed.
In the numbered fields, the following information is added, which may be in the official language of the authority that issues it or in a second language:
1. Country:
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