Desktop Publishing starts with the preparation of noneditable files and graphics sent by our client. Our DTP specialist converts the texts and graphics contained in these files into editable format. The second step involves arranging the placement of the texts on the pages in accordance with the original file’s layout after the translation is completed, arranging the general appearance and format, preparing the content and index pages, and preparing the files for printing, especially documents such as manuals, catalogs and brochures.
In order for a text to be translated, it must be first prepared for translation. In other words, it must be brought into editable format. Files sent in forms such as Pdf, images or hard copies containing handwritten texts are firstly converted into file forms with which the translator can work. This process requires a lot of time and effort, especially for very detailed files with a lot of graphics such as manuals, catalogs and brochures.
Before starting the DTP process though, we try to obtain from our client the source files (Indesign, Frame Maker, QuarkXPress, etc.) from which these Pdf files are created from. In cases where the source file cannot be obtained from the client, desktop publisher steps in and works on the file that needs to be translated, as mentioned above. This process includes formatting characters, paragraphs and pages, creating, sizing and placing pictures and graphics, and preparing the table of contents and index pages.
When the file is ready for translation, it is forwarded to the translator and then to the proofreader and editor. After all these steps are completed, the file is returned to the desktop publisher. This time, our desktop publisher starts working on the translated file(s). Our specialist rearranges paragraphs and sentences that are elongated or shortened after translation and negatively affecting the page layout; adds or removes some words or phrases without distorting the meaning of the sentence; sorts words or phrases alphabetically when necessary; rearranges the index and table of content.
After all of these steps are performed, DTP specialist prints out the file to check one more time that the file is ready-to-print, and makes corrections if necessary. Now, the file is ready for printing and may be presented to the end user.